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Our Mission
To enhance our knowledge of all birds, their behaviour and their habitats, and to introduce the public to the conservation and science of our avian heritage through enjoyable participation by club members.

Chirp from the floor
The 14th of March 2024 will probably go down in the history books as the shortest, fastest Annual General Meeting of the TBC! Our esteemed Chair proceeded to demolish most meeting protocols, handed out the Nitty Gritties, thanked various members for their contributions and efforts over the past year and went on to the wonderful speaker for the evening.
BUT  there was one huge omission on that evening. 
The members failed to propose a motion of thanks to our Chairlady who does a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes working for the club, attending birding forums, liaising with various institutions, performing many unseen administrative tasks. She has bravely carried this burden for the past five years and has voluntarily offered to continue in this role.
I wonder if the members are aware of the work that is put in during the year by her and the small committee to keep the club functioning. Scheduling pleasant outings, finding suitable speakers, raising sponsorships, ensuring financial stability, coordinating conservation projects, etc. Then again, perhaps members are aware, hence the utter silence when committee posts are offered for new nominees. Heads quickly disappear behind seats to avoid being nominated for a post on the committee.Ours is an aging club, the standing committee is mainly made up of well advanced in age members, and so the sands of time will eventually reach the bottom of the hourglass. Is it not time for younger members to step up and join the committee? New blood and new innovations can only benefit the TBC legacy and ensure continuity going forward.
On behalf of the TBC and its members, I would like to thank you Brigid for all your hard work, enthusiasm, dedication, those unrelenting cell phone pics of outings, sharing your love of nature and little feathered friends and the mentorship you bring to our novice birders. For all this we are  extremely grateful, thank you, and long may you rule over us.
Should I end with  “God save our Chairlady”
Your friends in birding. Kevin Drummond-Hay

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